Ulysses is, well, only a Dublin day, yes, but seven years in the writing and possibly as long to appreciatively read it. I found some help for a delightful journey these past several weeks from several sources.
- I downloaded a copy on Kindle (for iPhone) so I could read and mark-up.
- I found an on-line copy marked up by Professor Michael Groden who is more immersed in Joyceana than I ever will, or hope to, be. Many of the obscure and invented words are clickable and sourced.
- Lastly, and probably best of all, I discovered the wonderful Frank Delaney (recently deceased) and his 387-plus podcasts going through every sentence of Ulysses in 10 to 30 minute conversational lectures. Here is his introduction. I’ve subscribed on my iPhone and download five or so at a time so I don’t have to be near a connection to enjoy his Tipperary brogue, his infectious enjoyment and formidable knowledge (as have some 2.5 million others.) Give a random listen and tell me you aren’t hooked. Luckily for me I encountered his warming voice during the struggle with Chapter 9 — “Scylla and Charybdis”– said to be among the most difficult in the book. (Not many will know that, as Delaney tells us, that Scylla and Charybdis are, for Joyce, Plato and Aristotle!) Well, I’m not sailing smoothly but I have a good helmsman now.
Delaney is also the author of many good fictions, from My Dark Rosaleen (1989) to The Last Story Teller (2012), and of non-fiction from James Joyce’s Odyssey (1981) to The Undead (2011), to screenplays, collections and more.
More of Frank Delaney
More Joyce links
- The James Joyce Scholars’ Collection
- James Joyce Portal
- Joycean Essay Archive
- James Joyce Centre
- Wikibooks
- Top Ten Joyce books
- Number 46 on the Guardian’s Best 100 Novels.
- Rereading Ulysses — Number 1 on the Modern Library List.
Thank you Will, maybe I can finish Joyce after all?
That us my wish also. I hope it’s not predictive that Delaney died before he could finish helping us along!