Keith Ellison, newly elected to the House of Representatives from Minnesota, converted to Islam while in college. Virgil (not so) Goode, House of Representatives from Virginia, went public with his objections to Ellison’s taking the oath of office on the Koran. Goode was wrong in all manner of ways but had given Ellison lots of air time to show himself as a pathbreaker – not only in his faith but as a voice of reason.
Lone Muslim Congressman Speaks Out
[Spend some time with readers’ comments to meet some not-so-reasonable folks.]
Juan Cole has a few reminders for No So Goode:
Islamophobia or Anti-Muslimism is now among the more pressing social pathologies infecting the US. If it becomes established and acceptable, then lots of other forms of bigotry will also grow in virulence. There could end up being blood in the streets.