

Lots of folks simply use the internet browser that comes with their computer — MSIE for PC folks. Mozilla’s Firefox has been getting attention and use over the past couple of years. Old warhorses like Netscape seem to have all but disappeared. There are quite a few more available, though. The NY Times Tech section has a good run down of four of them:



CHROME 2.0 BETA (Google)

FIREFOX 3.1 BETA (Mozilla)

I’ve been using Firefox almost exclusively for several years, except for going to Microsoft for updates — which won’t speak to anything but MSIE. I started trying out Google’s Chrome a few months back and I will say it is very fast! Compared to MSIE it wins hands down. As the reviewer at the Times says, there aren’t any plug-ins yet so some of what we expect to experience on the Internet aren’t available yet. Check it out though.