Oh fuck.
Greenland’s Ice Sheet Is Slip-Sliding Away
Oh fuck.
Greenland’s Ice Sheet Is Slip-Sliding Away
The massive glaciers are deteriorating twice as fast as they were five years ago. If the ice thaws entirely, sea level would rise 21 feet.
And again, oh fuck.
Should all of the ice sheet ever thaw, the meltwater could raise sea level 21 feet and swamp the world’s coastal cities, home to a billion people. It would cause higher tides, generate more powerful storm surges and, by altering ocean currents, drastically disrupt the global climate.
There is only one answer to this,
By 2005, Greenland was beginning to lose more ice volume than anyone expected — an annual loss of up to 52 cubic miles a year — according to more recent satellite gravity measurements released by JPL.
The amount of freshwater ice dumped into the Atlantic Ocean has almost tripled in a decade.
Become a right winger so none of it will be true.
Last year, the annual melt zone reached farther inland and up to higher elevations than ever before.
There was even a period of melting in December.
“We have never seen that,” Steffen said, combing the ice crystals from his beard. “It is significantly warmer now, and it happened quite suddenly. This year, the temperatures were warmer than I have ever experienced.”
Until I have to explain to my grandchild why life is such a toil and a trouble, so different than what my life was like….