Michael Jones, the “masseur” Ted Haggard turned to for a healing touch in his time of need, opens up to Michelangelo Signorile on his OutQ show. This is quite explicit so cover your eyes….
Signorile interviews fallen-evangelical-leader Ted Haggard’s male hooker .
It’s pretty interesting that Jones claims he himself did not use Haggard’s name when he finally spoke publically — that came from some enterprising reporters. Jones also had made up his mind months ago to do something and the initially approached TV station wanted video footage and DNA evidence. Hard to say whether that request was good reporting, CYA-ing, or purient marketing dreams. Finally, from the tone of Jones speech, and the text here, you have to like the guy.
“I don’t feel like a hero. I wasn’t trying to be a hero. I’m at the age of 49. I saw a lot of my friends going through hell in years past, where one of the partners would die and the other family would come in and say get out of the way, and just rape the house, and there was a lot of crying. I felt like this was a responsibility to my fellow gay brothers to do this.”