April is a good month every year, bringing news of the Goldman Environmental prize winners. Beyond the actual environment work that has been done to win the recognition is the wide sweep of the Prize committee’s award process. This year folks we wouldn’t have otherwise heard of, from Costa Rica, Poland, Cambodia, Swaziland, the US and even Cuba! are honored.
Tuy Sereivathana, a Khmer from Cambodia, got front page treatment in the SF Chronicle for his work in helping agricultural villagers learn to adapt to and live with the elephants which had been raiding their crops and storage bins. Very touching story.
Be sure to look over the GoldmanPrize site itself for more on the recipients and other work the foundation is doing.
The awards are tonight, Monday, in San Francisco at the Opera House. I doubt there are tickets available but heck from 4:30 to 5:00 when it starts you could go practice your paparazzi skills. Send a photo or an interview if you get ’em.