If evolution, as so thoroughly described by Charles Darwin, is true, how do we explain Ann Coulter? In Darwin’s theory “natural selection can act only through and for the good of each being,” and yet there is Ann. It is only possible therefore, according to Madame, that God did it, which is de facto proof that He is not entirely all good and all knowing as she would have us believe.
Jerry Coyne, professor of Ecology and Evolution at the University of Chicago, has a wonderfully abusive review of Ann’s book Godless: The Church of Liberalism [I will not provide a link to … ] over at Powell’s
The etiolated Coulter issued a piercing squawk this spring with her now-notorious book, Godless: The Church of Liberalism. Its thesis, harebrained even by her standards, is that liberals are an atheistic lot who have devised a substitute religion, replete with the sacraments of abortion, feminism, coddling of criminals, and — you guessed it — bestiality. Liberals also have their god, who, like Coulter’s, is bearded and imposing. He is none other than Charles Darwin. But the left-wing god is malevolent, for Coulter sees Darwin as the root cause of every ill afflicting our society, not to mention being responsible for the historical atrocities of Hitler and Stalin.
Read on, and don’t ever pay money for the book!
Oh, ow! I had to share his closing line with you.
Her case for ID involves the same stupid arguments that fundamentalists have made for a hundred years. They’re about as convincing as the blonde hair that gets her so much attention. By their roots shall ye know them.