
The Western Climate Initiative Partners announced their Green House Gas Reduction goals this week.

Western Climate Initiative

Statement of Regional Goal
August 22, 2007

1. Regional Goals. The Western Climate Initiative (WCI) regional greenhouse gas emission reduction goal is an aggregate reduction of 15% below 2005 levels by 2020.

• This regional, economy-wide goal is consistent with the emission goals of WCI partners and does not replace the partners’ existing goals.
• The WCI partners acknowledge that new entrants and updates to data may result in some incremental changes to the regional goal.
• The metrics for establishing this goal are documented in Attachment A.

The WCI partners commit to do their share to reduce regional GHG emissions sufficient over the long term to significantly lower the risk of dangerous threats to the climate. Current science suggests that this will require worldwide reductions between 50% and 85% in carbon dioxide emissions from current levels by 2050.

2. New Entrants. The WCI encourages participation by additional US states, tribes, Canadian provinces, and Mexican states that are making comparable efforts to combat climate change. In determining whether the new entrant is undertaking comparable efforts to meet the challenge of climate change, the partners shall consider whether the proposed new entrant:

a. Has adopted an economy-wide greenhouse gas reduction goal. The goal shall reflect a level of effort that is consistent with that of the WCI partners;

b. Has developed or is developing a comprehensive multi-sector climate action plan to achieve the goal;

c. Has committed to adopt greenhouse gas tailpipe standards for passenger vehicles; and

d. Is participating in The Climate Registry.

When deciding whether to accept a new entrant, the partners may consider other factors they deem appropriate. The partners will establish a decision-making process on adopting new entrants.

The whole document is available as a pdf here.

So here’s something you in a state not part of the WCI can do. Raise the roof until it joins.

Here’s more about the Western Climate Initiative

and here’s a Mathew Yi article in the SF Chronicle about the release of the goals.