Dinesh D’Souza gets double exposure today in a ghastly opinion piece in the SF Chronicle
Sunday Insight — complete with a well known photo of Osama bin Laden and a headline screaming, Pelosi’s Crew and Osama bin Laden share common goal — and as subject of a smack down review by Alan Wolfe of D’Souza’s new “book,” The Enemy at Home: The Cultural Left and Its Responsibility for 9/11″
This is but a sampler of the opinion piece which is undoubtedly lifted from the book:
Pelosi no more wants Bush to succeed in Iraq than bin Laden does. Whether it realizes this or not, the Bush administration is facing a kind of liberal-Islamic alliance: a sympathetic relationship that leading leftists in America have with Islamic radicals around the world…
In the past generation, the left has gone from a party that mainly cares about working people to a party that mainly cares about sex.
It’s hard to know whether to treat D’Souza as a clown or as a wicked clown, to ignore him or to spend time and words illuminating his wickedness. The problem with arguing with those who believe the world is arranged so that everything is in alliance against their saint, even though the various forces never speak to each other, is that pathologies don’t respond to reason or argument. Rather than argue with D’Souza I think it best to help him explain what and who it is he admires.
Now building bridges to this group [traditional Muslims] doesn’t mean changing our way of life, and if we are conservative there is nothing that needs to be changed. Our values are quite similar to those of traditional Muslims.
Interview with D’Souza at National Review.
What’s further interesting is that he is also being attacked by the Horowitz FrontPage crowd as well, calling his kindly views to “traditional Islam” uninformed and misguided. D’Souza will inevitably trot out the Liberman defense: If I am being attacked by both sides I must be correct. Nope. D’Souza is among those poisonous individuals of the far right he admires who think “insulting Turkishness” [substitute nationality of your choice] is indeed a crime, and that if the government won’t deal with it, others will.