Climate Change Induced Evolution
Climate change has been a major cause of evolution lo these 4 billion years or so. Sometimes catastrophic, from asteroid …
Climate change has been a major cause of evolution lo these 4 billion years or so. Sometimes catastrophic, from asteroid …
If you’ve been paying attention to the climate change field of play you’ll have noticed an odd bunch of geeks, …
In one of the scarier predictions about oncoming climate change, warming permafrost releases vast amounts of methane, a much more …
As one of those who have been to the Galapagos Islands and had his mental landscape moved, I’m always interested …
Very good news yesterday that NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) is proposing to create a Climate Service division …
From Climate Progress Fast on the heels of the hottest June to October on record, NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space …
“The engineering firm CDM has come up with a more sustainable way to neutralize highly polluted soil. Instead of digging …
Unlike the currently popular cataclysm movies, say The Road, and 2012, science does not predict a total, bare-earth result from …
Last week a minor brouhaha erupted on right wing blogs, dutifully reported by major media, over the purported implications of …
Glaciers are in retreat from the Andes to the Himalayas. More than being a loss to our sense of wonder …
The name Yosemite, bestowed on California’s much loved valley by a local soldier-miner in 1851, in the mistaken belief it …
Darryl Hannah and James Hansen, two of our favorite eco-citizens, joined hundreds protesting mountain top removal in West Virgina — …