Poems from Guantanamo
IS IT TRUE? By Osama Abu Kabir Is it true that the grass grows again after rain? Is it true …
IS IT TRUE? By Osama Abu Kabir Is it true that the grass grows again after rain? Is it true …
The famous “Six Day War” of the Middle East –Israel against its antagoneighbors– has come to its 40th anniversary. The …
Federico Garcia Lorca, high in the pantheon of the worlds poets, was born on this day, June 5, in 1898. …
by Nazim Hikmet Things I Didn’t Know I Loved it’s 1962 March 28th I’m sitting by the window on the …
Following the news of soldiers at Walter Reed Army hospital, and today more scandal at more hospitals, brought to mind …
By Will Kirkland, 1980 Passing them –our car, their cart– it seemed as if the hind legs of the horse …
” A Soldier’s Declaration I am making this statement as an act of willful defiance of military authority, because I …
By Taha Muhammad Ali Revenge At times … I wish I could meet in a duel the man who killed …
January 27th is promising to be a big day in D.C. Here is a contingent I would join. Dear Friends: …
A friend of mine, John Huyler, has made it a practice over the years to read a poem every night …
I haven’t posted many poems lately. Since Iran is in the news — and Iraq — this one strikes me …
Will Kirkland, 2002 We are being betrayed. Go down the road, they say Go down, go down; Promises are made: …